It's been nine days, since my last post, and I have been a busy bee.
64+ Washers inked, 10 new clutch wallets ( to the 40 I already have done); 3 (2 necklaces + 1 purse) donation to our church annual youth fish fry,One week of revamping the book store I work for ( we are rearranging every book row, kiosk, etc. in 5 days, we are on day three...) The craft show sale is 16 days and counting. I'm pooped!! Many, many, many more to make.
After two years on my inspiration board It hit and I finally made this one into a clutch. |
This one is called Fireworks, It was free form machine stitched in a firework pattern then beads added onto each burst point. |
Swirls, Swirls and more swirls |
Power of the PINK ! Pink is so happy and feminine. |
Starfish, Poinsettia.. you decide it just FUN!
Anyway, Thats it for today.
Oh yeah a little political humor to lighten up your day..