As spring has arrived in Tennessee I find myself wanting to do more art with a nature theme. Today I decided to hand paint glass tile pendants.
Lupine at twilight * |
I used bath tiles I found at our local Home Depot*, they are slightly larger than the standard glass pendants at the arts and craft** stores and also already come with a white backing on them.Plus they were a lot less expensive, 60 tiles for $9.00 compared to 3 tiles for $4 at the A/C store.
For my purpose I am painting on the front side , then covering with a coat of non yellowing resin.
I also choose to use alcohol ink pens (Spectrum Noir) and (Ranger) alcohol inks in bottles.
This gave me a chance to do so wild abstract backgrounds, but also do some fine point hand drawing with the pens.
Whatever medium you use, you will still need to coat with some type of resin or gel coating to protect the surface once done.
Bloom ** |
The star after the caption on the above tiles show the difference of the two types of tiles I painted on.
* Home Depot tiles ** Art store tiles
Once I was happy with the painting and it dried, I then put a gloss coat on it. I used Gloss Mod Podge on these two painting on three layers , letting each dry between coats. I made a light, non glare finish.
On these two I used Glossy Accents by Ranger. They will take about 12+hours to cure and dry completely. They have a high shine gloss coat. One coat is usually enough.
This pink one however, was a curious cause and effect. Even though the ink was dried it for some reason blended with the Mod Podge coating I painted on it.(top view) The second picture I added a little more ink to the bottom to see what would happen. it repealed the glue pushing it to the center of the tile.I then applied a little heat with my heat gun and this was the finish on it.The third picture is of it almost dry, you can see the raised area where the glue was pushed to the center left of tile .
It created a interesting effect. It will still need to have another two coats of Mod Podge , but I think I will wait a day before doing it to make sure it is really dry this time.
I will add silver bails on the back once all are dried. This is an easy craft , Acrylics would work just as easily as the inks. You could also use a sharpie marker if you are doing it with youngsters. It would make an awesome Easter or Mothers Day gift for kids in preschool or after care programs.
Pink |